Gut on Track! DIY Course

Gut on track mini course. Feel better, less bloated, more energetic, and fix your digestive distress.


Digestion is the basis of our health

How our body processes foods varies in each individual, but there is one universal rule: digestion is not just affected by the food you eat, but also by your mental well-being.

The gut-brain axis

Your mental state impacts so much of your physical function, from your heart right down to the gut. In this self-led course, you’ll gain all the proper tools and techniques you’ll need to align your body and mind and alleviate troublesome digestive issues like bloating, gas, cramps, pain, or diarrhea/constipation. Get started now, reclaim your energy in as little as two weeks!

Learning about the foods you have in your cupboard, and learning to make your own conscious choices about food.

how it works

This is a DIY course that helps you create a personal gut healing nutrition plan, and integrate meditation and Katonah Yoga practices to help you get rid of digestive symptoms.




What’s next?

Done the course, but not sure where to go from here? Or have you alleviated your symptoms and would like to try reintroducing foods and diversifying your intake? You’re not alone - call Lesley and set up a consultation so she can guide you down the proper path.

GUT ON TRACK. Don’t fall into the trap of “just eating healthy”. Your body is unique, and requires unique care.