Emotion Release Sessions

Emotion Release Strategy Sessions

Holding onto Trapped Emotions can Impact our Health

We often do not have a chance to express our emotions or are not taught how to express and process our emotions. This causes negative emotional energies to become trapped in the physical or emotional body.

The Emotional Body needs support

These unprocessed emotional energies can make us feel trapped by our emotions, and cause anxiety, depression, stress, and anger. However, positive emotions such as love, joy, freedom, and abundance are also stored in the emotional body. When we release our trapped emotions and learn to express them moving forward, we open ourselves to more positive emotions that lead to a more joyful life.

Trapped emotions can manifest physically and emotionally


how it works

A single session may be enough to see profound benefits, but often, multiple sessions are needed since we trap emotions throughout our lifetime. Healing takes time and only those trapped emotions that are ready to be released will be.

  • This method simply requires you to sit back and relax wherever you feel comfortable and so it can be done by phone or through a video call.

  • You will be asked to identify a concern you’ve been experiencing that you’d like to work with (some examples include those listed above).

  • Your subconscious will reveal the trapped emotions contributing to your concern through muscle testing. The trapped emotions identified can be released and transmuted energetically to lighten the burden they had on you and provide relief from your main concern.

  • Up to 10 trapped emotions can be released per session and it’s possible to work on more than one concern.

  • Shifts in energy can take up to 3 days after the session, so listen to your body to see if it needs more rest and relaxation.

Not sure if Emotional Release Strategy Sessions are for you?

Contact us to find out.